Robotics and other combinations will make the world pretty fantastic.
- Bill Gates

Jr. Robotics

online course
for ages: 8+

Learn Basic Electronics and Robotics,Line following Robot,Obstacle avoidance Robot and many more….

Scratch Programming

online course
for ages 8+

Learn Basic and Block based coding language (Scratch) which helps the beginner to programming learn all the advanced coding languages with ease.

Basic Python

online course
for ages : 10+

Learn Basic level of programmer friendly and highest library containing language with ease.

Adv. Python

online course
for ages : 15+

Learn OOPS & OBP their features, Modules & Packages, Files and their different types of handling & one of the most crucial DataBase Connectivity.

Sr. Robotics

online course
for ages : 10+

Learn programmable Adv. Electronics and Robotics

Adv. Robotics

online course
for ages : 15+

Learn Building and running different types of Robots like Turtle Robot,Rover Bot,Desert Explorer and many more and we teach ROS,RASBERRY PI and OPEN CV

App Development

Online Course
for ages : 10+

Learn App Development from Scratch to Android Studio,Fire base connectivity and many more